
Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Post Card #8 - Our Help Draweth Nigh

Greetings from Route 66!

Octavious Winslow (1808-1878) offers us a great reminder today like a billboard advertising TRUTH! It is a sign worth reading word for word! Won't you stop at a nearby rest area, grab a favorite drink and be encouraged by the wisdom of this pilgrim of our faith?

Are you, beloved, walking in the midst of trouble? Think not that you are alone. May your eye of faith be "anointed with fresh eye-salve," to see One walking side by side with you, the same who walked with the three children through the fiery furnace, "whose form is like the Son of God." Yes! Jesus is with you in your trial. Christ is with you in your trouble. The path, however strait, is not so narrow that your Lord cannot tread it with you, side by side. Your way is not so intricate that He cannot enable you to thread your steps through the labyrinth. There is room enough for you and Christ to walk together. He is with you; though, like the two disciples journeying in mournful communion one with the other to Emmaus, your eyes may be so blurred that you see Him not, yet is He traveling with you along that sad and mournful, that lone and pensive path. Christ is in your adversity- Christ is in your cross- Christ is in your burden- Christ is in your suffering- Christ is in your persecution- Christ is m your sickness- yes, Christ is at your side every step you take, and He will conduct you safely to your Father's house. Though you walk in the midst of trouble, He will revive you.

And, Christ is with us as we travel through the pages of His Word, whether we understand it or not. He will guide us into the Truth He has for us today! Like an inspiring billboard, we certainly don't want to miss it! Look up...Our help draweth nigh!

1 comment:

Mandy, said...

Thank you, Debi! Such a very timely reminder for me today! :)

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