
Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Over packed?

I don't know about you, but this past month as I've preparing to set out on this road trip through the town of "Hebrews", I feel I might have over packed. How often I do that when I'm not sure what I'm going to need on a trip, what the weather will be like or what the actual activities will entail. Since I've never done an in-depth book study of the Bible, I've certainly packed more than I ever have before.

Maybe you're feeling a bit overwhelmed by the unknowns of this trip. Please don't give in to those feelings. Now that the journey has begun in earnest, we can slowly unpack all that we have. The best thing about this trip is that we actually have a "butler of sorts" to tell us what to use and when.

I have a feeling that I'm going to get used to having a butler who helps me unpack each day. I may never travel the same way again! So, lift your chins and let's look for the Savior at every turn in the road. He's promised He'll always be with us.

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