
Friday, July 31, 2009

Tempted With Discouragement

Have you ever miscalculated the distance you've traveled only to realize you're only halfway there?

A few years ago, Tom and I were in Sequoia National Park and decided to go on a hike. The guide at our lodge gave us the directions of how to get to the head of the trail, and then follow signs along the way. We were intrigued by the halfway mark titled "Goliath". We found what we thought was Goliath - a large tree on its side - and were glad to see we were making fast progress through the woods. Imagine our discouragement when, thinking we were almost to the end of the trail, we came upon the real "Goliath". Could it be we're only halfway? I wanted to quit, but we didn't have that choice, since our car was waiting for us at the end. To make things worse it was nearing sunset, and we weren't prepared for nighttime in the dense forest. I was truly discouraged and afraid.

Similarly, two days ago I awoke and began my devotions as usual. For some reason, on this morning, I realized I was only in 2 Samuel, and it was the end of July. I wondered how I was going to finish the Old Testament by the years end, when I saw it - a second column of Old Testament reading assignments! Somehow I had failed to notice this for 7 whole months!

My first reaction was "Oh no! I'll never catch up - I'm not going to finish my reading this year!"

But quickly I heard the Lord say, "Rest assured, I'm in this, and you'll be needing the Scriptures I have assigned for you as you read them on this delayed route."

I had to laugh!

Then, I thought of others who are on this road with me that may be behind. Please don't give in to discouragement - God is leading you just as He is me. He will give us exactly what we need on the day we need it, whether or not we arrive at our destination when we think we should. The good news is there is no danger in a forest after dark when the Lord of Hosts is leading the way!

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