
Monday, July 13, 2009

Weekly Oil

I had the opportunity one year to go on a road trip with my Mom through the mid west with my children. We happened upon a little town where Laura Ingalls lived and went to school. Upon entering the one room school house, we were able to imagine what life was like for her in her day and time. It was a wonderful excursion, but I left feeling grateful for indoor plumbing and electricity. Life was hard for her then, and it made me appreciate life now.

This week we're doing a similar excursion. We're going to stop and tour the place of the Old Covenant - like a one room school house - the tent of meeting was the central place where the Israelites gathered on the Day of Atonement to receive forgiveness of sin. The purpose is to reflect on how hard life was for them then, and to grow in our gratefulness and affection for inward atonement, the grace of God and the New Covenant. What an undeserved gift Jesus Christ is to sinners.


Leviticus 16

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